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Significance of a Dashboard Management System

A dashboard management system (DMS) is a software tool that helps you create, manage, and share interactive dashboards that display key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and data visualizations for your business. The DMS like offered by InLogic can help you monitor and analyze various aspects of your business, such as sales, marketing, finance, operations, customer service, and more.

But why do you need a DMS for your business growth? How can a DMS help you achieve your goals and objectives? This article will explore some benefits of using a DMS for your business and how it can help you improve your decision-making, performance, and productivity.

What Are the Benefits of Using a DMS for Your Business?

A business intelligence dashboard can provide you with several advantages that can boost your business growth, such as:

  1. Improved Data Quality And Accuracy

A DMS can help you collect, integrate and validate data from various sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, web services, APIs, and more. A dashboard reporting software can also help you automate data cleansing, transformation, and aggregation processes, ensuring that your data is consistent, reliable, and up-to-date. It can help you avoid errors, discrepancies, and data silos affecting your analysis and reporting.

  1. Enhanced Data Visualization And Analysis

A DMS can help you create and customize dashboards that suit your needs and preferences. You can choose from charts, graphs, maps, tables, and other widgets to display your data engagingly and interactively. You can also use filters, drill-downs, slicers, and other features to explore your data and gain insights deeply. A dashboard management system can also help you perform advanced analytics like trend analysis, forecasting, benchmarking, scenario planning, and more.

  1. Increased Data Accessibility And Collaboration

A DMS can help you share your dashboards with your team members, managers, clients, and stakeholders via web browsers, mobile devices, or email. You can also control who can access, view or edit your dashboards using permissions and roles. A DMS can also facilitate user communication and feedback by enabling comments, annotations, alerts, and notifications. It can foster a data-driven culture in your organization and improve teamwork and alignment.

  1. Reduced Time And Cost

A DMS can help you save time and money by automating and streamlining your dashboard creation and management processes. You don’t need to spend hours or days manually collecting, preparing, and analyzing data or creating reports using complex tools or coding. You can also reduce the need for IT support or maintenance by using a cloud-based or hosted dashboard management system that provides security, scalability, and reliability.

How to choose the right DMS for your business?

Many DMS solutions are available today, each with features, functionalities, and pricing. How do you choose the one that best suits your business needs and budget? Here are some factors to consider when selecting a DMS for your business:

  1. Data Sources

You should look for a dashboard software that can connect to various data sources you use or plan to use in your business. It can include databases, spreadsheets, web services, APIs, and more. You should also check how easily integrating and updating your data sources with the DMS is.

  1. Data Visualization

You should look for a dashboard management system that offers a wide range of data visualization options that match your goals and preferences. You should be able to choose from charts, graphs, maps, tables, and other widgets to display your data in an appealing and informative way. You should also be able to customize the look and feel of your dashboards using colors, fonts, themes, and layouts.

  1. Data Analysis

You should look for a software business intelligence that enables you to perform various types of data analysis to help you gain insights and make better decisions. You should be able to use filters, drill-downs, slicers, and other features to explore your data in detail. You should also be able to use advanced analytics functions such as trend analysis, forecasting, benchmarking, scenario planning, and more.

  1. Data Sharing

You should look for a dashboard management system that allows you to share your dashboards with different users differently. You should be able to publish your dashboards on the web or mobile devices or send them via email. You should also be able to control who can access, view or edit your dashboards using permissions and roles. You should also be able to enable comments, annotations, alerts, and notifications to facilitate communication and feedback among your users.

Reasons to Use Dashboard Management System

There are many reasons why you should use a dashboard management system. Dashboards are useful for monitoring, measuring, and analyzing relevant data in key areas1. Here are some of the benefits of using dashboards:

  1. Time Savings (and Less Stress)

Without a business dashboard, you (and others on your team) will spend countless hours manually chasing data and running individual reports.

  1. Real-Time Analytics

Dashboards can provide real-time analytics to help you make better decisions.

  1. Efficient Sharing

Dashboard systems can be shared with others in your organization to help them understand what’s happening in your business.

  1. Detect Problems with Performance

Dashboards can help you identify problems with performance before they become major issues.

  1. Improved Decision Making

Dashboards can help you make better decisions by providing the information you need to make informed choices.

Wrapping Note

Dashboard management system like provided by Inlogic is useful for monitoring, measuring, and analyzing relevant data in key areas. They can help you save time and make better decisions by providing real-time analytics and the information you need to make informed choices. They can also help you identify problems with performance before they become major issues and improve your decision-making process.

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