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Drawing For Kids Being the owner of a home, regardless of size or design, is a wonderful accomplishment in and of itself, but not many people can claim that their home is well-known worldwide!

Drawing For Kids White House is renowned throughout the globe due to its official status as the president of the United States and its distinctive architectural features.

House Drawing Tutorial

John Adams first inhabited it in 1880, and every succeeding president has lived there since.

Many people enjoy learning how to sketch the White House because of its illustrious history and distinctive architecture.

If you share my fascination for this well-known residence, this lesson is ideal for you!

Using our easy-to-follow instructions, you can draw the White House in just six simple steps and make a wonderful piece of art to honor this remarkable structure.

Let’s Get Started with How to Draw the White House!


  • You will begin at the center of the White House’s front in this first stage of our drawing instructions.
  • We will depict the upper part of the central structure in more detail. This structure will be curvy and rounded, with a few tiny square turret structures embedded within it.
  • Once it resembles our reference picture, add another curved section below this, and you’ll be prepared to move on to the next part of the guide.


  • Add more drawings to the center section.
  • Although the second stage of this White House drawing appears difficult, it’s not that difficult.
  • The central portion will be extended downward; this will mainly be made up of some lengthy, slender pillar sections. Draw these tiny pillars with care, and add some finishing touches to the top and foot of each one.
  • You can draw in the details between each pillar before proceeding to step 3 of this tutorial.


  • Sketch the center section’s last details.
  • In this third stage of our tutorial on how to draw the White House, we will complete the central portion before moving on to other parts of the structure.
  • We will first construct a pair of brief, curved staircases on either side of the center section’s base to achieve this. Next, we’ll sketch a few tiny entrances with wall lanterns between them.
  • This will wrap up the main portion, and the next section will add more structure.


  • After that, sketch the White House’s left flank.
  • Another section that seems difficult but isn’t will be drawn in this fourth installment of our tutorial on sketching the White House.
  • This will be the building’s left-hand portion, which is rather rectangular.
  • This section’s design also includes a few tiny supports, and elaborate window patterns are in the spaces between them.
  • It would be best if you tried to move slowly and carefully imitate how we did this. After that, you’ll be prepared for the next stage of the guide’s finishing touches!


  • Finish up your White House illustration.
  • Draw the right-hand half of the building first, mirroring what you did in the preceding stage.
  • Try to make it as symmetrical as possible; the details should be similar to the left-hand side.
  • At the foot of the White House, we will also be drawing some bushes, which you can do by drawing some wavy lines.
  • Finally, a US flag should fly boldly above the structure because a depiction of the White House wouldn’t be complete without one.
  • You could also include a few finishing touches before proceeding to the last stage! One concept is to depict a patriotic background behind the structure in a particular aesthetic. What background can you conceive of including?


  • Add color to complete your White House sketch.
  • You might assume that the colors used in this building are restricted,, given its name.
  • In this last stage of your White House drawing, we this last stage of your White House drawing, we will demonstrate how you can still use color creativity with a predominantly white house.
  • You’ll note that we didn’t leave the building entirely white when coloring it. Instead, we chose a few light grey hues to give the structure a slightly more dynamic appearance.
  • Then, to make it appear like there are lights inside, we used some yellows for the windows. Adding some warmer hues to the image also helps.
  • Finally, we added some vivid greens for the plants at the base and reds and blues for the American flag floating over the White House.
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